Beats After Midnight

Grill Billyenz (2019)



Midwest Rap artist, Grill Billyenz, explores the personal journey of his two most intimate albums. Inspired by Sidney Poitier as Walter Lee Younger in A Raisin in the Sun, Grill Billyenz sets to illustrate the struggles of a Black man in our modern society through his music.


Director/DP/Editor: Victor Ramos

2nd Interview Camera: Allison Walsh

Production Assistant: Yesenia Perez

Music: Grill Billyenz Score Sean Williams Roland Bingaman Kyle Preston Be Still the Earth

Music Videos: Emulsion Travus Copeland Edward Dignan Simp7

Moon Ruin (2017)


Jared Bartman speaks on his new project, Moon Ruin, describing his creative process, influences, and the importance of the people close to him.


Shot and Edited: Victor Ramos

Music: Moon Ruin

Photo Credit: Alyssa Leicht

*Photos sourced from:

Heaven World (2017)


Director/DP/Editor: Victor Ramos

Music: Heaven World

Kagami Smile (2016)


Director/DP/Editor: Victor Ramos

Music: Kagami Smile